Visiting someone who just gave birth to a baby would be such a normal tradition for many people in this whole wide world. Their intention might be to know how the mother’s condition is doing and also wanted to meet the adorable newborn.
Little that people know, there are certain important things that people should avoid doing when they are visiting houses that have babies.
The reason for avoiding these things would be to make sure that the newborn does not get any infections from other people that come to visit the family. A Twitter user named Ahmad Luqman Bukhari who is a Medical Doctor shared this important information on his Twitter page.
Tolonglah sangat-sangat jangan buat 5 perkara ni kalau korang pergi rumah yang ada bayi baru lahir tau.
— Ahmad Luqman Bukhari (@drluqman) February 19, 2021
Five important things not to do when visiting a house that has a baby:
1) Do Not Touch The Baby Whenever You Feel Like To
Sometimes, people love to touch other people’s babies whenever they wanted and some of them even love to kiss the baby’s cheek because it is so adorable to them. This action is actually very bad to be done because newborn babies got a very low immune system to protect themselves. The life of the baby could be threatened if they got infected with the germs and also bacteria that exist on the surface of the people who touch the baby.
2) Do Not Wake The Baby Up If The Baby Is Still Sleeping
Some people love to intentionally wake a baby up even when the baby is still peacefully sleeping for many unnecessary reasons. It actually makes it bad to wake the baby up especially if the baby just started to sleep because it will disturb the baby’s amount of rest needed per day.
3) Do Not Have To Act Good By Teaching Various Tips To The Young Mothers
The thing that a young mother who is in confinement really needs is moral and also mental support from the people around her. If she asks, share the knowledge. But if not, do not have to teach the mother everything. Just say words of encouragement that make the mother feel comfortable.
4) Do Not Visit For A Very Long Time
Avoid spending a very long time at other people’s homes especially if they just gave birth. The mother who was in confinement, her body was still tired. She still needs a lot of rest and also sleeps. She might be having postpartum depression if she stressed out too much.
5) Do Not Be Near The Newborn If You Are A Smoker
Toxic things like nicotine and other chemicals from the smoke of the cigarette could make the baby’s breath becomes short if the baby inhaled it. It could also cause inflammation in the baby’s delicate airways.
Sources: Twitter Ahmad Luqman Bukhari.