Talking about random topics to other people or some people might call it having a small talk session is definitely a norm for many people in this whole wide world when they bump into each other in public or when they are spending some leisure time with each other in public. Small talk topics are the best source of conversation between people who do not know each other well. This type of conversation could make any conversation last longer between people.
Making small talk involves not only knowing what to say, but also what is best kept private. It is important for all the people to really know what should be talked about and what should not be talked about with other people. This is because people would tend to humiliate others and might be their loved ones if they do not control what they said.

Picture: Man of Many
For those who do not know, these are the topics that you should avoid talking about in public:
1) Relationship Issue
Talking about a relationship issue or asking questions of an intimate nature is inappropriate. When talking with strangers, avoid talking openly about it as it could make others uncomfortable. Getting asked about your significant other, children, or family members is quite disturbing. Discretion will be the better part of conversational valor.
2) Personal Gossip
If there’s one irredeemably toxic topic of conversation, it’s definitely gossip. No matter who you’re talking to, talking about rumors will never end well. Gossip about people that you know personally is not. Gossiping about others not only paints you in a bad light, but you never know who might know each other. Avoid bad-mouthing others.
3) Offensive Jokes
Making sexist or racist jokes is offensive and a quick way to end a conversation with anyone. Sometimes people do make jokes that they don’t realize are sensitive or offensive. It can be helpful to consider some of the signs that a joke may be offensive before you tell it. If the joke pokes fun at someone due to their race, culture, or sex, skip it. You should also avoid jokes that touch on hot-button, controversial, or political issues.
4) Health
You’re not going to want to bring up health in any conversation. Talking at length about your diet and exercise regimen isn’t the scintillating conversation you think it is. Plus, you risk coming across as boorish or self-absorbed when you talk about it. Health issues tend to make poor choices for small talk. While you might be tempted to share the latest health kick you’re trying, the person you are sharing it with may feel less interested.
5) Appearance
Unless you know someone well, do not ask their age. Although the question might seem simple to you, it can be a hot topic for some. In addition, avoid questions related to appearance. Do not ask anyone if they are pregnant, or comment that someone has lost weight. You never know the reason for weight gain or loss, and could be left in an uncomfortable situation.
Sources: Very Well Mind.