Insects are suckers. They also sting and bite. Some inject venom that can kill or cause a life-threatening allergic reaction. Others, such as mosquitoes, transfer parasites that kill hundreds of thousands of people each year.
Speaking of insects, have you ever heard the phrase, “It was so enormous, it almost killed me!”? Though there are some enormous bugs in nature, size can be deceiving. Large bugs have a menacing appearance, as if they’re from another world, instilling terror and worry in their victims. The deadly insects, on the other hand, aren’t always the biggest or scariest-looking. Despite their size and look, many insects in our world deserve to be dreaded and avoided if at all possible!
Here’s a list of the deadliest insects in the world and they don’t have to be huge to prove that!
1. Puss Caterpillar
They seem cute and helpless but don’t be fooled. No matter how cute and fuzzy this critter looks, just never touch it. The insect’s fluffy exterior conceals poisonous spines. The poison of the caterpillars gets more lethal as they increase in size before turning into equally fluffy southern flannel moths. And just by touching them, the pain you feel is similar to a broken bone. Not just that, the pain is followed by burning, swelling, blisters in the affected area, vomiting, and wheezing. In case you accidentally touched one, experts recommend that you use tape to remove those spines before things get worse.
2. Cow Killer
Only 2cm long, this tiny fella is poisonous enough to kill four rats. A single sting might not be that dangerous but if it occurs multiple times, you’ll end up dead in just two hours. Cow killers can be found in tropical areas or desserts of the Eastern United States. Another name for the cow killer is ‘Red Velvet Ant’, which goes well with its reddish-like body.
3. Asian Giant Hornet
Although Asian giant hornets are not usually aggressive toward humans, they will sting those who try to handle them. They’ll sting to defend their nest or a beehive they’re attempting to attack. Mass hornet assaults are extremely rare, but they can happen, and they can paralyze or even kill victims in extreme situations. The size of this guy means three things: its stinger is longer than that of a typical wasp, a single sting can deliver a larger dose of venom and the sting is more dangerous than that of local bees and wasps, which can damage tissue and cause substantial pain. Experts said that their sting feels like you’ve been stabbed with something hot and it lasts for a few days.
4. European Dark Bee
The European Dark Bee are aggressive and very hard to handle species. It got its name from its dark-colored body. A sting from this guy can cause nausea, cramps, and hypotension. There are instances where one sting from the European Dark Bee can cause fatal anaphylactic shock.
5. Monarch Butterfly
How could they possibly be dangerous right! Well known for its orange and black color, the Monarch Butterfly can be found in North America but moves to Central American during fall. According to experts, these beautiful creatures can kill humans! The hint is if you see them flying, best keep your mouth close because if you eat them, you might have a heart attack. The toxins interrupts heart contraction and affects the nervous system. The odd thing is that they don’t own the venom but they get it from their favorite dish which is the Milkweed.
6. Philippine Hornet
A cousin of the Asian Giant Hornet, these guys obviously live in Philippines. If you get stung by the Philippine Hornet, you’ll start convulsing, peeing blood, and turning blue.
7. Spanish Fly
The Spanish fly is a common name for an insect with sexually stimulating capabilities, which is most likely due to a poisonous component called cantharidin that it contains. When swallowed, cantharidin is extremely toxic and can result in serious injury or death. If four Spanish flies can kill a horse, imagine what it’ll do to us, humans!
8. Red Imported Fire Ant
Although the symptoms include nausea, dizziness, fever, low blood pressure, and hallucinations, some people who are stung get an anaphylactic shock, which can result in death. Native to South America, they can also be found in Southern United States, Taiwan, Philippines, China, and Australia.
9. Maricopa harvester ant
Red harvester ants are known to be hostile. They sting with a severe sting. Harvester ant stings can induce allergic reactions in certain people, especially those who are hypersensitive to their venom. Harvester ants bite fiercely in addition to their potent stings. Being stung by these ants will get your body impregnated with pheromones which will attract more ants. And if you’re allergic to its venom, it’s RIP for you! If you’re not allergic, that doesn’t help much either because the toxin will affect your nervous circulatory, and digestive systems which causes bleeding and awful pain.
Sources: Trend Max, Insider, Texas Insects, WSDA, Getroman, Orkin