As most of the people in this whole wide world know, the unconditional love of any grandparents towards their own grandchildren could never be compared with anyone. This is because they would be willing to give anything that their grandchildren want as long as they could feel happy even though the parents themselves would not allow it.
For some grandchildren, they would have the experience which their own grandparents always accompany them on their way to school when they were little. That is what happened to this woman that posted a video that went viral on the TikTok app recently. To make it more memorable and sentimental, this woman’s grandparents are getting really excited when they could accompany their own grandchild to the school where she will be working as a teacher there.
@nanadayana.11Dari tadika atok wan hantar belajar, ni dah nak start mengajar pon old people hantarkan 😭😭😭 no more videos with wan atokk
As can be seen in the posted video, the grandparents are getting so excited to accompany their ‘cucu’ to the school where she will be teaching. The grandma is making sure that she would bring all the important things that she needs before they took off to the school. After they arrived there, the grandparents are so happy to see the school and they also took some pictures together with their ‘cucu’ at the school for their own memories. The video really makes a lot of netizens feel so sad and also heartwarming. Looking at the comments section, many netizens said that the posted video made them reminded of their grandparents whether they are still alive or even those that have passed away.

Picture: TikTok nanadayana.11

Picture: TikTok nanadayana.11

Picture: TikTok nanadayana.11

Picture: TikTok nanadayana.11

Picture: TikTok nanadayana.11
Sources: TikTok nanadayana.11.