Bad breath while fasting might be one of the things that many people experience. Little did many people know, that there are some ways that they can do to avoid this from happening. Fortunately, all these methods are so easy to do.
The reason for this bad breath is actually due to the dry mouth. Some people sometimes feel humiliated by this. The things that you have to focus on to avoid this problem would be your teeth, gums, and your tongue. You just have to follow these simple oral care that could very help you in the situation. These are some useful tips to avoid bad breath.

Picture: The Landing Dental Spa
Useful Tips To Avoid Bad Breath While Fasting
1) After you had your suhoor, make sure to really wash your mouth thoroughly.
2) Other than brushing your teeth, use floss to remove any food residue in your mouth.
3) Do not forget to also brush your tongue because there are also germs there.
4) Before sleeping the night before, take some menthol gum.
5) You can also gargle your mouth with rose water to make it smells better.
6) During suhoor, avoid consuming too many dairy products.
7) Avoid smoking even after iftar.
8) It is better to not consume spicy or even highly flavored food. That will just make your breath even stinkier. You could choose a healthier and balanced meal to eat.
9) Decrease the intake of food and drink with high sugar. Many do not know this but it could be a huge bacteria buildup in your own mouth.
In conclusion, you just have to take care of your own dental cleanliness as a whole. By doing that, it would help your mouth to smell better. You can finally avoid bad breath even when you are fasting. Easy to do all of the simple steps.
Sources: Egypt Today, Dental Studio.