If you are a parent, are you willing to leave your baby to sleep outside? For sure most people won’t. Who knows maybe there will be a kidnapper outside, or maybe wild, dangerous animals that can injure your baby.
But apparently, Danish people in fact leave their babies to sleep outside. Isn’t that shocking? Surprisingly, in Denmark, parents don’t think twice about letting their babies in strollers outside while they go shopping or just stay at home. “It is common practice,” an American blogger who lives in Denmark writes.
Recently, a TikTok video went viral as it shows that babies in Denmark and other Scandinavian countries usually sleep outside. In the viral TikTok by @annieineventyrland, she states that it’s normal for babies to sleep outside, no matter what the weather is like. She also states that midwives and baby nurses recommend that parents let their babies sleep outside in Denmark.
“Fresh air is said to keep babies healthy and helps them sleep better and napping your baby in their stroller outside is done in all sorts of weather,” says Annie.
You can watch the interesting video below:
@annieineventyrland ♬ path of the wind ~ my neighbor totoro lofi – Closed on Sunday
The video depicts infants sleeping in their strollers outside. In one footage, many strollers are seen outside while the parents spend quality time with themselves or their pals.
According to TikToker, “babies here don’t get kidnapped because no one wants the responsibility of someone else’s kid, especially when our healthcare system does everything they can to help everyone who wants a baby to have their own at little to no cost”.
TikTok’s users comments
One user commented:

Picture: @annieineventyrland
Interestingly, there are stroller parking spaces in Denmark as well as Norway… with extra tiny little markings for them.
In addition to that, other users commented by comparing their countries to Denmark.

Picture: @annieineventyrland
Strollers with high-tech baby monitors
What’s more, the majority of Danish parents equip their babies’ strollers with high-tech baby monitors, and they’re never far away anyhow. According to a report by Copenhagen, “the parents are usually really close by, near the window,”.
Sources: @annieineventyrland, Fatherly