The local anime series Mechamato is currently ranked 8th out of the 100 best animation works at the Tokyo Anime Awards Festival 2023. The festival will take place in 2023.
Monsta, a local animation studio, produced the three-dimensional (3D) animated series. This is the same production company that is responsible for the BoBoiBoy TV series.
Nizam Abd Razak, CEO of Monsta, said that this demonstrates that local talent has the potential to break into the international markets.
Additionally, it took him by surprise how well his work turned out. This is due to the fact that successfully penetrating foreign markets is already an accomplishment worthy of being proud of.
Therefore, the fact that they are currently in the 8th position is something that they did not anticipate happening.
The TV show Mechamato serves as a prequel to the TV series BoBoiBoy. It tells the story of the adventures that BoBoiBoy’s father, Amato, with the robot Mechabot. In the show, they battle other robots that were evil.
To date, the series has broadcasted in over 65 countries. On December 8, the Mechamato Movie will be available to watch in theatres all over the world. Watch the film’s official trailer in its entirety down below:
Source: Wiser, Facebook BoBoiBoy