Everyone knows the benefit of caring for the environment. Nevertheless, only some people really actually care and take action on it. One question for you. Would you go to a river to clear up the rubbish that has contaminated our waters? Some could not even care less.
However, these young men from Indonesia have been portraying people as their teamwork in caring for the environment. Through many videos uploaded on @pandawaragroup’s TikTok, they have been clearing the rubbish in the waters. Not once, but they have done it numerous times.
@pandawaragroup sampai kapan kondisi lingkungan kita seperti ini? #pandawara #Alloud #JalanYangKupilih #onedayonetrashbag
In a recent video, again, their teamwork in clearing the waters has gained positive comments from people. It can be seen that there are tons of rubbish thrown by irresponsible people in the waters. I believe that many irresponsible people around the world did the same thing.

Picture: @pandawaragroup

Picture: @pandawaragroup
Luckily, @pandawaragroup came to the rescue! Like always, only by using simple utensils like nets and baskets, they managed to clear up the rubbish.
According to Kompas.com, the group that consists of five young men, were the victims of the flood, due to the rubbish in the waters. Thus, they thought it might be a good thing to clear up the rubbish in the waters, for everyone’s benefit.
They also stated that even though they have cleared up the rubbish, flood still occurs. This is because some people could not even care less about the environment.
Sources: @pandawaragroup (TikTok), Kompas.com