Earth’s ozone layer is reported to heal completely within decades — 2040. Over polar areas like the Arctic and 2and Antarctic, the ozone layer will heal by 2045 and 2066 respectively. As ozone-depleting chemicals are eliminated across the world, it gives a chance for the ozone layer to heal.
For additional information, the ozone layer acts as a shield to protect our planet from ultraviolet (UV) rays that are harmful to our planet. Since the 80s, the hole in the shied which are caused by ozone-depleting substances alarms scientists. The substances include chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), dubbed CFC, found in refrigerators, aerosols, and solvents.
The Montreal Protocol eliminated the substances starting in 1989. Thus, the use of CFSs now has decreased by 99%. If the action has not been taken before, it would affect the greenhouse gases. Then, our planet would have to go through additional warming of up to 1 °C.
Furthermore, since the industrial revolution, the earth has warmed around 1.2 °C. To prevent the worst-case scenarios, it should be limited to 1.5 °C because if it is beyond that, be prepared for drought, wildfires, floods, and food shortages.

Picture: Discover Magazine
Scientists also attempt to reduce global warming with different measures. From their studies, stratospheric aerosol injection may be a help in reducing global warming. However, there may be unintended consequences.
Source: CNN, Siakap Keli