Schools in Malaysia require students to have their own specific uniforms. Shirts, baju kurung, shoes, headscarves, trousers, pinafores and skirts are the attires that differentiate Malaysia from other countries. From what we see on television, some countries do not set rules for their students regarding school uniforms. They can wear anything they like.
Due to Malaysia has its own school uniforms that represent the country, parents need to chip in some money to buy them. Nevertheless, not all parents can afford to buy them for their children. Sometimes, they only can afford to buy one set of uniforms.
In a video shared by a teacher, @tcer.nana, on TikTok, two of her students are wearing shabby shoes. They look like they have been worn for a long time. The black colour of the shoes has faded.
@tcer.nana @ALLAMERICASHOE boleh sponsor sekolah saya tak? Hehehehe #tcernana
Thinking of helping her students, the teacher surprises her two students with a pair of brand-new shoes each. They are All America shoes!
It is heartwarming to see that the students are exhilarated getting the gifts from their dear teacher. One of them even mentions that she does not mind even if the shoes are not her size. She is grateful enough for the brand-new gift.
From the conversation between the students and the teacher, their parents do not own enough money. That becomes the reason why they do not buy new shoes, even knowing their old ones are shabby.
The teacher is praised for her good deeds.

Picture: @tcer.nana
Aside from our parents, teachers are among those who care for us.
Thank you, @tcer.nana.
Source: @tcer.nana (TikTok)