Aside from dogs, cats are one of those animals that people keep as pets. Caring for pets requires meal, shelter, and most importantly, love from the owner. Unlike dogs, stereotypically, cats are described as pets that are ‘unbothered’ by the things around them. Nevertheless, it is a big deal for them when it comes to food. They do not like to share food with other cats.
In a video shared by @acha.mahfar on TikTok, surprisingly, her cat is not like that! The cat has a companion, a stuffed animal toy, Zebra. They are so cute together!
@acha.mahfar Replying to @Sabylla Soraya 🤣😭🫶🏻
According to @acha.mahfar, the feline will always bring Zebra along when it is time for a meal. What is meant by bringing along is not with the help of the owner. April brings Zebra to the food container by itself! So clever!
What April does is it will bring Zebra using its mouth to the food container. Interestingly, it makes sure that Zebra’s head is also in the food container! It does not want Zebra to starve. What an empathetic cat!
The viewers find April’s action cute. They also praised it because they had never seen cats as clever as April.

Picture: @acha.mahfar
Hoping for April and Zebra’s relationship will last forever!
Source: @acha.mahfar (TikTok)