Everything in this world needs patience to succeed. Like studying. It is almost impossible to get something right for the first time. Therefore, we have to be patient. Do not give up, and try harder to achieve victory.
Being patient does not need when studying. We also have to be patient with our emotions. If you are feeling angry, remind yourself that everything will be okay and there is no need to make things worse. However, it is also not good to keep things to yourself. So, know the right way to let your emotions out.
In a video shared by @arnysuhanaa_, we are amused with this adik‘s patience. A man in the video is seen trying to trick the kids by asking them questions. However, the questions are only clear to the ears at the beginning.
It’s like a trick people did on WhatsApp before. They ask people to do things, but the instructions are unclear. Because of that, the victim feels frustrated.
Nevertheless, this one adik is a different kind of person. He is trying so hard to understand what the man is saying. He even comprehends the questions himself and answers them confidently.
He only begins to get frustrated at the end of the video, “Cakap la betul-betul bang!” Then, he realizes that he is being pranked as he is filmed.

Picture: @arnysuhanaa
Source: @arnysuhanaa_ (TikTok)