Many of us grew up watching cartoons or animations. Some of us questioned if the characters were real or not. It’s a part of our childhood memories that is still so dear to us today. When we remember those times spent watching TV, we wonder why we didn’t use them to study more. Or at least do a bit more revision before the exam begin. Haha, but that’s all in the past now.
There are a few legendary cartoons we remember watching when we were little. Some are Kacang, Anak-anak Sidek, Keluang Man, Jimmy Neutron, Spongebob Squarepants, Crayon Shin-chan, Ultraman, Barbie and Doraemon. Listing all these animations takes us down memory lane, indeed! It has been a while since we watch them…

Pictures: Cinema Online, Gamers Santai, The Movie Database
Some of these cartoons it’s best listened to in Malay instead of English. For example, Shin-chan and Doraemon sound funnier in our mother tongue. We prefer them to speak in Malay more! Sometimes, we tried doing their voices, but we didn’t have the talent to imitate them.
Therefore, when we discovered this video on TikTok, we were ecstatic!
The real voice behind one of our favourite cartoons, Doraemon, is a woman! It looks like the voiceover actor is dubbing a scene in the studio. Once she starts talking, it’s Doraemon for sure!
@doraemonmalaysia Real Doraemon Malaysia voice
We aren’t the only ones who felt the sudden wave of nostalgia. Many in the comment section are surprised and happy to know this!

Picture: TikTok @doraemonmalaysia

Picture: TikTok @doraemonmalaysia
Now, after knowing the truth behind Doraemon‘s voice, we’re curious who’s behind the voiceof other cartoons like Spongebob…
Source: TikTok @doraemonmalaysia