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World Infertility Awareness Month: Breaking The Stigma


Infertility is a challenging and often misunderstood condition that affects millions of individuals and couples worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility affects some 17.5% of adults globally — meaning one in six people experience infertility in their lifetime. 

With June marking the observance of World Infertility Awareness Month, TMC Fertility joins health experts and advocates around the world working to break the silence surrounding infertility. As conversations around reproductive health can be difficult to broach, education and empathy can go a long way in challenging the stigma associated with the condition. To this end, TMC fertility aims to foster greater understanding around infertility, and empower individuals and couples to navigate their journey towards parenthood with resilience and hope. 

Infertility is generally characterised as an inability to conceive after at least six months of unprotected sexual intercourse. For women, some significant causes of infertility include age and conditions affecting the reproductive system such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. In men meanwhile, issues such as a low sperm count and poor sperm motility (or movement) can contribute to infertility. Additionally, research indicates that lifestyle factors — including excessive smoking and heavy alcohol consumption — can have an impact on one’s fertility as well.

From genetic predisposition to hormonal imbalances, the myriad of factors involved mean that every individual may experience infertility differently. Aside from being unable to conceive, there are often no obvious physical symptoms of infertility. Although signs such as irregular menstrual cycles and erectile dysfunction may point to the condition, an infertility diagnosis requires professional medical screenings and guidance.  

This is why couples concerned about their fertility should seek professional help as early as possible. By doing so, patients will be able to gain a better understanding of their own health, as well as interventions that will fit their unique needs. With new advancements in assisted reproductive technology (ART), including In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI) and IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), couples struggling to achieve pregnancy have an array of choices available. 

To encourage more couples to speak up and make informed decisions about their reproductive health, TMC Fertility has kickstarted its free IVF consultation initiative — a unique opportunity for individuals and couples to receive personalised guidance and advice from fertility experts. These consultation sessions are available every second and fourth Saturdays of the month across TMC Fertility’s branches in Kota Damansara, Puchong and Ipoh. 

Irene Kwan, Chief Executive Officer of TMC Fertility, said the IVF consultation initiative aimed to highlight World Fertility Awareness Month by offering the public valuable insights on infertility, as well as recommendations tailored to their individual circumstances. 

“Infertility can be an emotionally and physically draining experience, and it can often be hard for couples to cope with the complex emotions involved. Meanwhile, navigating through the range of treatment options can be an overwhelming process in itself. This is where fertility counselling comes in — in addition to sharing vital health knowledge, we also hope to create a safe and supportive space for couples living with infertility to process their emotions and chart a new way forward. This initiative is our way of challenging the stigma around infertility and help more people gain clarity over their reproductive health,” she said.


TMC Fertility’s free specialist IVF consultations are available by appointment only. To secure your spot at the Kota Damansara branch, call or WhatsApp 016 211 1357 or 018 211 1405. Those seeking appointments in Puchong or Ipoh can register their interest by calling 018 211 8178 or 018 211 1088. To learn more about the initiative, go to

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