Asian-American Actress Amanda Maud put up a tweet not long after The Snyder Cut was released. Maud is one of the actors that did...
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Asian-American Actress Amanda Maud put up a tweet not long after The Snyder Cut was released. Maud is one of the actors that did...
MOSCOW, March 19 – Facebook-owned Instagram social media giant is considering an introduction of a parent-controlled version of its popular photo-sharing app for children...
JAKARTA, March 19 – Three Indonesian cities were listed in the top 10 most polluted cities in Southeast Asia, reported Vietnam News Agency (VNA)...
Arranged by the World Photography Organization, the annual Open competition selects ‘the best single images in categories such as travel, architecture, and street photography....
Good news for Muslims in Malaysia when the motivational speaker that is Caprice or real name Ariz Ramli will launch another application that is...
Square Enix has announced Life is Strange: True Colors, the next chapter in the narrative adventure anthology series. The entire story will release simultaneously...
There is a particular heartwarming video that went viral on every social media platform showing that a disabled guy got to make his dream...
Recently, household registration offices nationwide have been flooded with people since Tuesday. This is because they are applying to change their name to (Gui...
Square Enix Montréal announced Hitman: Sniper Assassins during Square Enix Presents showcase. The franchise about a bald killer with a barcode tattoo on the...
Marie Kondo announced her return to Netflix with her new show, Sparking Joy. Her New York Times bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up inspired...