The life of a human being would never be an easy journey for everyone. There will always be ups and also downs that we have to face for the rest of our lives. Despite all of that, everyone should focus on the positivity of life rather than the bad part of it. Always learn how to appreciate the loveliness even in the midst of misery. That is definitely a lesson that this book titled ‘All Our Shimmering Skies’ would teach its readers.
‘All Our Shimmering Skies’ is a story about gifts that fall from the sky, curses we dig from the earth, and the secrets we bury inside ourselves. It is an odyssey of true love and grave danger, of darkness and light, of bones and blue skies. It is a love letter to Australia and an ode to the art of looking up which is a buoyant, beautiful, and magical novel, full of warmth, wit, and also wonder.

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In this book, Molly Hook who is the gravedigger’s daughter has a heart on the verge of turning to stone. When her mother dies she is left to fend for herself against her apathetic father and his abusive, grave-robbing brother named Aubrey. Driven by hope and a belief in the magical gifts of the night sky, Molly sets out on a quest for answers, gold, and a cure to the curse that has plagued her family for decades.
‘All Our Shimmering Skies’ book features children who view the world with a kind of naive optimism, and whose lives are shaped by intergenerational trauma as well as damaged and complicated adults. It deals with themes of good and evil, hope and happy endings and this book invite the reader to believe in miracles.
This book will definitely keep you occupied because you would really want to know what would happen in the end. It is such an uplifting book to be read as this book has the theme of there will always be light at the end of the tunnel for everyone’s life no matter how hard and difficult it could be.
Sources: Harper Collins