The heavy rain weather and also flood nowadays has affected so many people and it also includes bride and groom that are going to have their own dream wedding ceremony. Recently, there is a video got posted on the TikTok app that went viral showed that a particular man arrived quite late to his own wedding ceremony because he got stuck.
The man can be seen not even wearing his wedding outfit because he just managed to go through the flood. Once he arrived at the wedding ceremony, he quickly got celebrated by all of the guests there. Everyone could be seen to be so glad and also relieved once the groom has arrived there. Luckily, the wedding ceremony can be continued as usual.
@marisamiatAlhamdulillah.. pengantin lelaki dtg jgak seorg diri.. smua tamu dah balik.. dgn sluar basah2😭. ya allah time ni sis nangis..
Gladly, the wedding ceremony does not get affected by the rising water or even the flood. Everything went well according to the original plan and everyone can be seen to be having such a great time celebrating the newlywed couple. Looking at the comments section, a lot of people also wish all the best and pray the best for the couple.

Picture: TikTok marisamiat

Picture: TikTok marisamiat

Picture: TikTok marisamiat

Picture: TikTok marisamiat

Picture: TikTok marisamiat
Sources: TikTok marisamiat.