Pet World Nutritions Sdn Bhd is proud to announce a strategic partnership with SPCA Selangor and Nutrition Technologies Sdn Bhd to embark on the birth of Malaysia’s first sustainable deg food using Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) as an alternative protein source.
The MOU was jointly signed by Mr. PY Choy, CEO, Pet World Nutritions Sdn Bhd, Ms. Christine Chin, Chairman, SPCA Selangor, and Mr. Nick Piggott, CEO, Nutrition Technologies, in agreement to collaborate and promote the use of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) in the production of commercial dog food. The MOU will also facilitate educating the community on the benefits of BSFL in supporting our environment and ecosystem for sustainable future living with a significant reduction in carbon footprint, as well as giving back to the community with a cause for helping the rescued animals.
Pet World Nutritions is a pet-loving company that provides uncompromising pet nutrition so that pet owners and their pets will have more meaningful years together. Mr. PY Choy commented, “We are honored to have the full support from SPCA Selangor and Nutrition Technologies in embarking on this meaningful sustainable pet food project, and for a more sustainable future together”.He further commented, “We always endeavor to stay abreast and go beyond the pet food industry trend We always strive to be the innovator in the market”. He added that with the introduction of this first-ever commercial sustainable dog food in Malaysia, we are marking a new milestone in Pet World’s sustainable mission of “Bridging Better Future”, a step closer to achieving our sustainability goals for our future generations.
SPCA Selangor is an integrated Non-Profit Organization founded in 1958 to promote kindness and also compassion towards all animals great and small, aiming to alleviate cruelty and reduce suffering. Christine Chin, Chairman of SPCA Selangor shared that SPCA Selangor has also embarked on promoting Plant-Baed Advocacy and is working on initiatives that encourage Malaysians to reduce meat consumption for better health as well as helping to alleviate suffering. Christine Chan added, “We want to give the best nutrition to our pets to keep them healthy and the inclusion of BSFL in pet food is indeed a giant step and in line with our mission of reducing suffering and building a more sustainable environment”.
Nutrition Technologies is a biotechnology company that focuses on the cultivation of Black Soldier Flies Larvae (BSFL) and recovering nutrients from organic waste and providing a sustainable supply of high-grade proteins and oils into the global food supply chain. “We have a big vision and mission to revolutionize the pet food sector with the integration of insect-based protein for better functional performance as well as saving the future of our planet and to provide food security for generations to come”. Black soldier fly larvae have a unique combination of nutrients, rich in protein and lipids. This protein source also has a lower environmental impact in the fanning and harvesting process. By incorporating black soldier fly larvae meal into pet food, we will be able to materialize the production of sustainable yet highly palatable dog food for dog lovers as an option. This is part of the CSR initiatives of the company to support the welfare of animals through this sustainable project of helping the shelters with great nutritious pet food.
Bridging Better Future Together
With the increasing population in Malaysia, we are also generating tremendous solid waste which was estimated to be 38k metric tonnes per day in 2021. Food wastage stands as the top contributor of greenhouse gas globally, with more than 11% of the total GhG emission coming from the food system. Malaysia’s Government has committed to becoming a carbon-neutral nation by 2050. Research has shown that the black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) could reduce the carbon emissions from food waste going into landfills because the larvae feed on pre-consumer waste.
Hence with this MOU, Pet World Nutritions together with its partners is bridging a better future for our generations to come.