Is my cat happy? Is my cat sad or stressed out? Like us humans, cats have feelings and emotions. However, it is hard to figure out what they are feeling.
It is crucial to take note that stress is the root of cats’ behaviour problems. Worst, it might trigger common diseases among cats.
The signs of stress in cats
Observe your cats and see if they have these signs which indicate stressfulness.
1) become isolated and likes to hide
2) disapprove people
3) do not eat or drink much
4) doubtful to do things they usually do (sit on your lap, use the litter tray, etc)
5) meowing more than usual, hissing and growling
6) weight loss, vomiting, and diarrhea
What you should do
If they display any of these signs, it is time for you to take action. These are the things you can do:
1) Provide your cats with everything they need
- Give your cats basic needs like food, water, a litter tray, and a scratching post. The arrangement of these things also plays a crucial part in reducing their stress. For instance, their litter tray should not be too close to their food.
2) Allow them to have their space and time
- Let them have a calm and peaceful place to rest which is not crowded with people.
3) Avoid other cats coming to your house
- Cats can sometimes get stressed when there is an intruder in their space. Therefore, you need to find a way to avoid other cats making their way to intrude on your cat’s space.
4) Take them to see the vet
- If they show the symptoms of sickness (vomiting, diarrhea, etc), immediately bring them to the veterinary clinic.
As cats are solitary animals, you as the owner should pay attention to the changes in their behaviour. This is to make sure they are not stressed and are living well.
Sources: Cats Protection, International Cat Care