Who does not know the beautiful, yet talented Fasha Sandha? The actress has been in the entertainment industry for years and is known by all Malaysians. Fasha is a committed actress and always does her best when doing her work to bring movies and television series for people to enjoy.
Unfortunately, Fasha now is admitted to a hospital after she suffers from an eye injury. When filming for ‘Anak Tuan’ for TV3 with another actor, she accidentally hit her eye on the corner of a bed. The bone of her left eye is broken and she also suffers from eyeball bleeding.
From a post on her Instagram and TikTok, this accident happened unexpectedly. Therefore, she does not blame anyone for the situation that has happened to her. She also includes a video of how the unexpected accident happened.
@nurfashasandha Dari semalam telefon kakak tidak berhenti berdering, Disini sy ingin membuat sedikit update tentang kakak. Maaf kakak sedang rehat secukupnya. Kakak mengalami kecederaan akibat terjatuh ketika berlakon di set pengambaran drama Anak tuan TV3 pada 1 mac (pagi semalam). Mata dan kepalanya terhentak di bucu katil yang tajam. Tulang mata kiri patah dan bebola matanya kirinya berdarah dan dan sedang dirawat di Hosp pakar di Johor Bahru. Insyaallah akan berpindah ke Pakar KL petang ni atau esok pagi. Memohon jasa baik peminat dan keluarga untuk mendoakan kesihatan kakak. Seperti yang ramai tahu kakak seorang yang kuat semangat dan komited dalam kerjayanya. Sy yakin kakak kuat. Pihak produksi telah memohon maaf diatas perkara ini kepada Kakak dan keluarganya. Kata kakak, Tidak ada sesiapa yang harus dipersalahkan kerana kemalangan ini terjadi di luar jangkaan kita.. Insyaallah sy akan update lagi perkembangan dari semasa ke semasa. Terima kasih
Her family hopes that people will pray for her health so that she can recover from her injury soon. Now, Fasha is at a hospital in Johor Bahru for further treatment.
Any updates will be posted through her social media.
Looking at the comments, family, celebrity friends, and fans are praying for her.

Picture: fashasandha
We also hope the same for her.