It is only right to treat each other with respect. It does not matter if you are rich, educated, famous, and so on because being respectful is a manner everyone should possess. If you do not have this vital manner, do not be surprised if other people act the same way towards you. You know what they say, ‘What you give, you get back.’
In a video uploaded by @kayshta on TikTok, she urges everyone to be respectful towards those working in customer service.
Working in customer service is never an easy job. They have to deal with all kinds of people. Some are nice, and that is good. However, some people are just…rude! Like, very rude!
@kayshta wonders why some people treat those working in customer service so poorly.
Many customers thought people working in customer service are ‘uneducated.’ But is it true? No, not at all! If only they knew that most of the workers enrolled in universities. They have a diploma, a degree, a master, or maybe a Ph.D.! Even if they do not further their studies, it is not a ticket for people to be rude to them.
People working in customer service are humans, and humans have feelings. Everyone should be respected!
@kayshta reveals the incident that happened to her with the ‘rude’ customer makes her really sad.
People who watch the video share their concerns. Some of them can relate to what she shares:
“Don’t treat customer service staff macam tak berpelajaran,” she said.
Source: @kayshta (TikTok)