Torn as to whether to shave, wax, or epilate?
Most of us would like to lead a pain-free existence. But when it comes to hair removal, pain-free might not be the route some of us take.
However, epilators and shaving are two of the most popular hair removal methods today. Women all over the world sit those designated hours trying to get rid of tiny little hair follicles on their limbs because they don’t go with the new LBD or it’s ruining the look of a new watch.
You have heard the arguments from all sides before, yet you are unable to choose between waxing, shaving, and the epilator.
Having said that, there are two ways you can use to remove armpits healthy with long-lasting effects.
1. Wax
Waxing involves applying molten and warm wax to your skin in the direction of your hair growth and then removing it quickly by a tissue against the direction of your hair growth.
Not like epileptor, waxing has an exfoliation effect as the wax will remove the top layer of dead skin and ensures the hair growth becomes finer and less dense.
2. Epileptor
Epilators is a small, handheld device, epilators consist of multiple sets of tweezers on a roller. Hair is removed from the root when the tweezers pull them up during the roll’s rotation.

It has long lasting results because hair is pulled from the root leaving skin smooth and shiny.