SINGAPORE, Aug 21 — A total of 117 cases of COVID-19 infection have been reported in Singapore in the past 24 hours with 13 of them imported, bringing the total to 56,216.
According to the brief data released by the republic’s Ministry of Health (MOH) today, all the imported cases had been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.
Based on investigations so far, the ministry said there were six cases in the community.
In the full data released late Thursday, the republic had classified 822 of the reported cases as imported, 2,209 as community cases, and 53,068 as dorm residents.
A total of 53,119 patients have fully recovered from the infection and been discharged from hospitals or community care facilities.
Meanwhile, 75 confirmed cases are still in hospital but none in the intensive care unit.
A total of 2,878 patients who have mild symptoms, or are clinically well but still tested positive for COVID-19, have been isolated and are being cared for at community facilities.
To date, 27 people have died from complications due to COVID-19 in the republic.
While no new cluster was identified yesterday, two clusters were closed.
Sources: BERNAMA