Chantel Trollip, work at a local hospital, will be greeted daily by her coworkers including Elwood the cat. It is not clear who Elwood belongs to and where did he come from. But everyone can see that he always seemed perfectly at ease at the hospital. Since Elwood always around, no one question its existence anymore, they just considered Elwood as just another hospital employee.
“I first met Elwood about a year ago. I picked up more hours at the hospital and saw him hanging around more often,” said Trollip.
“He’s there pretty much every day, if I don’t spot him, my coworkers do. He’s usually either securing the front door waiting for pats or lounging in the bushes nearby soaking up the sun,” she added.
Once, Trollip came into work with a bit of a rough to start her day then spotted Elwood and noticed his collar. Elwood now also has an ID badge of his own, which labeled him as part of the security team. Right after seeing Elwood, it quickly changes her whole day around.
Trollip said, “He’s got his own ID badge which is identical to our actual staff badges, down to the call codes on the back,”.
Elwood now is a full-blown employee but his routine hasn’t changed much, as he’s always taken his job very seriously. He loves the head pats and attention he gets, but unfortunately, he doesn’t have the time to cuddle or linger around too long.
“He enjoys a good pat but likes to keep things short and move around a fair bit,” Trollip said.
“He is on the security team, after all, has to make sure everyone coming and going gets checked,” she added.
Now with Elwood is working at the hospital, he makes everyone definitely feels safer knowing he is always on patrol as the security cat.
Source: The Dodo