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These Six Tasty Foods Can Make Your Skin Oily

From genes, hormones to the environment, everything can affect the production of oil in the skin. But, did you know diet can also affect the skin?

Improper diet choices can make the skin worse.

Here are six foods that make your skin oily, which eventually leads to breakouts and unhealthy skin.

1. Oily food

Several studies have been done and found that the intake of omega-6 fatty acids can cause the growth of acne on the skin. Saturated fats and trans fats in fried foods can also cause the skin to become inflamed and cause oil production to occur.

When the skin becomes dry, moisture on the skin is replaced by oil production. To avoid excessively oily skin, use salt in moderate quantities to maintain moisture on the skin and oil-free.

2. Refined Grains

Processed food more to carbohydrates such as white bread, breakfast cereals, and white rice are foods that must be avoided. Over a period of time, these foods cause the growth of acne and oil production to occur.

Refined grains lose fiber and nutrients during processing which causes the glycemic index to become high and affect your blood sugar. Instead, you can use wheat, popcorn, and brown rice products.

3. Sugar

Our negative health effects of consuming sugar can increase our blood sugar levels. Our body responds by producing more insulin which makes the glands produce more oil in the skin.

Although there are natural sugars such as in fruits and vegetables should be taken in moderation but the use of refined sugars such as sugar cane or corn syrup must be minimized.

4. Dairy product

A lot of people do not know that these dairy products need to be reduced in their daily diet. Dairy products such as butter, cream, and cheese contain saturated fats that can make your skin worse.

It is very important to avoid the use of full-fat cream milk. If possible, use yogurt as your alternative to consuming dairy products. You can also mix yogurt with salads or make smoothies.

5. Processed Food

Avoid eating processed foods such as sausages, nuggets, and others. These foods can cause the skin to become more oily and acne-prone. Instead, you can eat fresh, lean meat. It is also important to avoid buying processed instant soups, instant noodles, or snacks that can affect the body especially the skin.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol has adverse effects especially on those with oily skin. This is because alcohol removes fluid from the skin and causes dehydration. When dehydrated, your skin will work hard to compensate for water loss and cause your skin to produce more oil. The skin becomes dry and begins to be very oily can result in the growth of acne can occur a lot.

So this food may be one of the factors why your face is oily all this time. If you are taking these foods, try to switch to good foods and help your health especially the skin.

Sources: Food.

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