A second dose was obtained by the first citizen in the world to be given the Pfizer Covid-19 jab as part of a mass vaccination campaign.
The follow-up vaccine was given to Margaret Keenan earlier – three weeks after the first – at the University Hospital in Coventry.
Andy Hardy, Chief Executive of the hospital, said that the hospital was “delighted” to have Margaret back.
To provide the best chance of safety, two doses of the vaccine are required.
On 8 December, a week before her 91st birthday, the grandmother, originally from Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, got the first injection and described it as the “best early birthday present”
At the moment, NHS England said that 21 days later she will get a “booster jab” “to ensure she has the best chance of being protected against the virus”
Since her second jab, the woman was “now recovering well”, the hospital reported.
In clinics, the first jabs were provided, but the expansion has since spread to GP-led sites and nursing homes – with the initial vaccine having more than 600,000, Department of Health figures shows.
“Our hardworking staff who have been involved in the vaccination programme have remained in contact with Margaret’s family since that day and we are delighted that Margaret has been continuing to recover well at home following her discharge from hospital,” said Mr Hardy.
“It’s important that everyone comes forward to get the jab when they are invited to do so,” he added.
Source: BBC