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(Video) Latest Discovery By Scientists, Penguins ‘Might Be Aliens’!

Their distinctive waddle and also black and white ‘coats’ make penguins one of the most adorable creatures in the world. You can look at the moving in packs for hours and wonder what they are up to. But something about them might be ‘other-worldly’, at least that is what scientists are saying nowadays. It is speculated recently that penguins could be aliens after scientists found traces of a chemical in their droppings that is also found in the planet Venus.

Interestingly, the traces of a chemical that is called phosphine is actually a chemical that is only found on Venus, which is about 60 million kilometers from our planet that is Earth. Now, exactly why scientists were rummaging through penguin poo is, in itself, a mystery that many people worldwide will be investigating themselves over the coming weeks and months. Right now, we can only presume that scientists are just really a bunch of weirdos.

It has raised widespread speculations and questions about the origins of penguins. After the study, the scientists now believe penguins could help them identify different types of organisms that exist in other worlds. To know more about the chemical traces that they have discovered in penguins’ poo, the scientists are now planning to study in detail the lifestyle of the Gentoo penguins, which are actually very common species in the Falkland Islands area.

If penguins are indeed aliens, that kind of does make sense. They do not look at all comfortable on this planet, what with all of their clumsy waddling and constantly falling over. Plus, if you were a species that was permanently confined to wearing a tuxedo, it would make sense to migrate to a cooler planet like Earth, rather than try to live on Venus where the surface temperature is roughly 500 degrees Celsius. This is probably why penguins are strongly opposed to global warming, the hotter this planet gets, the more they’re going to be sweating in their cute little suits.

Sources: YouTube Asianet Newsable, The Week.

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