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(Video) Avoid These For A Positive Life, 6 Habits You Usually Do That Can Be Toxic

In life, there are indeed so many things that we can do. Different people would do different things from each other. Little did many people know, the things that we do and sometimes might have been our own habits could be so dangerous. When the word dangerous got mentioned, it means that the habits are actually toxic for you if you do it.

In this YouTube video, there is a list of common habits that you might have been doing a lot and they could be so toxic. If you have been doing these kinds of common habits, you have to definitely try to avoid them so that you could get and go through a positive life. For those who might not know, these are the 6 common habits that are toxic.

6 common habits that people do not know are toxic:

1) Mistaken The Feeling Of Repression As Being Calm

Some people might have been doing this for a very long time and it is actually very dangerous for them. When you have an emotion in you, do not keep it inside without acknowledging it. Yes, you might seem to be okay at that time but storing negative emotions in you could cause negative impacts on yourself. That is why you should not have to repress your emotions but you have to acknowledge it in a safe environment where you are not hurting yourself or even other people around you.

2) You Are Being Too Independent

Stop thinking or even assuming you can do everything on your own because it could actually make you hurt yourself. There is no hurt in getting some help from other people when you really could not do it. There is indeed a sweet spot that you have to balance between being independent and also dependent on other people. You have to find that spot and live your life like that.

3) Always Control Everything

When you have the mindset of having to make everything in control, you can easily get triggered with anxiety when things that you have planned do not go the right way as you think they should. That is actually no problem to be having control over what you are doing, but you have to at least be open-minded because there will always be some minor changes here and there when things happen. By doing that, you will not get easily stressed out when you are doing anything in your life.

4) Always Want Things To Be Perfect

Perfectionism is not something that is always wrong. It is okay for you to make everything in your life great and perfect but if you do it excessively, it could cause a lot of mental illness towards yourself. That is indeed so dangerous for your health mentally and physically. People that strive for perfection could have always beaten themselves up every time they did something wrong and it is so not worth it. Next time, if you think that you did something wrong. Try to be self-compassionate for once and not punish yourself.

5) Skip Sleep For Other Things That You Think Is Important

You might have been doing this a lot of times. For example, you wanted to study more for your exam and you have decided to skip sleep and keep on studying throughout the night. That is actually the wrong thing to do. This is because the things that you learn during the day are converted to become memories when you sleep. When you skip your sleep and keep on studying, you tend to forget more rather than to remember a thing that you study.

6) Pleasing Others With Putting Yourself First

The urge to please other people without focusing on yourself first is actually damaging yourself and also the relationship that you already have with other people. Other than that, people could take advantage of you without thinking about your feeling and health. That is why you should show kindness in your authentic self rather than just please other people all the time. Sometimes, putting yourself first before other people does not mean you are selfish but it is actually for you to be mentally and physically healthy.

Sources: YouTube Psych2Go.

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