As Malaysia celebrated its 65th Independence Day on August 31, 2022, many kinds of parades involving the Malaysian military and law enforcement celebrating it. Uniquely, even animals such as horses, and dogs invigorate the celebration.
However, what caught Malaysian attention the most is the K-9 dogs. So, what’s so special about these K-9 dogs that people have been talking about?

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Get To Know K-9 Dogs
K-9, also known as Canine is crucial in maintaining the safety of the public. K-9 dogs help assist police officers and firefighters. They are trained to pinpoint the individuals who are involved with illegitimate substances, detect buried human bodies or parts, identify illegitimate substances, and explosives as well as track kidnapped or missing children.
There are two types of K-9 dogs, which are for detection; to identify either explosives or drugs, and for patrol; they are to contribute to patrol responsibilities such as protection to the officers, providing security in permitted areas, and others.
The most common breeds of K-9 are German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois. German Shepherd is one of the most intelligent dog breeds. German Shepherds are special as they are also easy to train, loyal, quick-witted, have sharp sense, and very strong and athletic.
Even though German Shepherds seem to be aggressive, they can remain calm when they encounter stressful situations and are able to listen to their handler’s command well. The other common breeds are Labrador Retrievers, Bloodhounds, and Basset Hounds. Labrador Retrievers have the best nose that can detect explosives, drugs, dangerous weapons, and individuals.
Sources: Mistyridge, Wagwalking, Nationalpolicedogfoundation, Prozassecurity, YouTube, PDRM