The moments with our loved ones are precious. While children are busy going to school, parents are busy with their work to provide for their children. Therefore, there is only a little time that children and parents get to spend together during these times. That is why during school breaks, parents will grab the chance to take their children on a holiday!
Taking their children on a holiday is one of the ways that parents do to show them that they care. From that too, they can enjoy every moment together while they can. Nevertheless, a holiday is not the number one thing that children need.
According to @celotehdrmalar, time with parents daily is very important for children. Therefore, parents need to prioritize these times for their children.
3 WAKTU PALING PENTING UNTUK ANAK-ANAK – Sekarang ni macam trend, parents kena bawak anak² pergi holiday,shopping mall, jenjalan dan macam² lagi dengan niat nak bagi anak rasa disayangi. Tapi sebenarnya, ada 3MOMENT PARENTS-KIDS yang SANGAT penting nak bagi anak² rasa disayangi.
— celotehdrmalar (@celotehdrmalar) January 29, 2023
Here are the three parents-kids moments that will positively impact your children:
1) In the morning
- It would be a hassle to wake your children up in the morning, especially when they have school.
- However, parents need to stay calm and wake them up with tenderness.
- Do not raise your voice.
2) Coming home from school or work
- Once you see your children, ask how their day went.
- They may want to share their problems with you.
- By doing that, children will know their parents are always there for them.
3) At night (sleep time)
- Before your children go to bed, thank them for all their hard work.
- They will feel appreciated.
Dr. Malar adds that these things done by parents will positively impact children’s minds when they grow older. Parents usually show them that they love and care. Nevertheless, the most vital aspect of love and care is the parents’ time and words for their children.
Source: @celotehdrmalar (Twitter)