People need to work to be able to provide for themselves and their families. Just like this Bangladeshi who just arrived in Singapore to work. His spirit in looking for a job should be praised as it is not easy to be far away from one’s family.
Nevertheless, this Bangladeshi worker, who does not yet reach the age of 21, had to be sent home back to his country. According to Mothership, borrowing from ItsRainingRaincoats, the young worker is suffering from tuberculosis. Thus, he needed to be sent back to Bangladesh immediately, which was yesterday.
The young worker just arrived in Singapore and only spent his days in the lavish country for two weeks. He had taken on loans to come to Singapore. To be able to pay back the loans, he needs to work. However, there was nothing he could do. It is also added that the Bangladeshi man did not manage to open a bank account and barely speaks English.
Luckily, there are many kind-hearted people in Singapore. Just within two hours, ItsRainingRaincoats, an NGO, managed to raise funds for the worker, so he could pay back the loans.
Only minutes before the young worker passed through immigration, one of the NGO members passed the money collected to him.

Picture: Singapore Changi Airport
For those who contributed, may your kindness be repaid someday?
Sources: Mothership, ItsRainingRaincoats (Facebook)