Sometimes, a cat can be a bit too ‘chill’ and ‘relaxed’ even during dangerous and stressful situations. As cats are naturally curious, they often stay still when encountering something odd instead of running away. We praise cats for their bravery, but sometimes, can they please move away from the scene?
In a TikTok video shared by Msnorela (norell64), her cat, Putih, made eye contact with one of the most feared animals of all time, a snake! To make things even more nerve-wracking, it’s a cobra!
Do you know cobras are venomous?
The snake in Msnorela’s video is a cobra. For your information, cobras are venomous because they are related to taipans, coral snakes and mambas. These cobra types belong to the Elapidae family.
Interestingly, cobras can’t fold their fangs down as vipers can. Therefore, their fangs are generally shorter. However, what makes them more dangerous is they inject venom into their prey through their fangs.
Cobra’s venom contains a neurotoxin that stops a victim’s breathing and heartbeat. Do keep in mind that a cobra only attacks when they feel threatened.
Additionally, we need to be extra careful when encountering them because a cobra’s bite can be deadly!
Why doesn’t the cat run away from the cobra?
Some might ask why Putih didn’t move away, although the cobra had slithered closer.
As mentioned previously, a cobra will only attack if they feel dangered. Perhaps, Putih didn’t make the first move to protect herself. Therefore, the snake doesn’t see the cat as a threat!
“Update us on Putih’s condition”
Looking at the comment section, many are concerned about the cat’s state after making direct eye contact with the killer snake.

Picture: TikTok Msnorela

Picture: TikTok Msnorela
Msnorela updated us by posting a series of videos showing Putih’s current state. It turns out she’s unfazed by everything!
@norell64 Replying to @Jay
Putih slept and acted as if nothing had happened! How to be like her?
Netizen shares a few tips to avoid these reptiles from entering the house
Some concerned commenters shared a few know-hows for Msnorella to apply.
One of the tips is to put garlic on the doorstep and other entrances. Not only that, but a few also recommended scattering sulfur because snakes are afraid of it.
Taking their suggestion to action, Msnorella posted that she had already put garlic on the door!
@norell64 Replying to @dausz53⚡️
Yet, these tips aren’t proven scientifically. So take them with a grain of salt.
No one wants to encounter these reptiles. Although some are smaller than humans, they can kill us with just a bite.
Since the weather in Malaysia is usually sunny, many snakes will go out of their hiding to hunt for food. Therefore, always be cautious of your surrounding. There might be snakes lurking somewhere without knowing.
If you were in Putih’s shoes, would you be as calm and composed as she was?
Sources: TikTok Msnorela, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, SomersetLive