Working consumes a lot of energy. You should never tell someone that their job is easy. Everyone has to go through different kinds of problems every day while working.
Nevertheless, no matter how hard someone’s job is, they still do their tasks earnestly. They know their responsibility, and the right thing must be done. Just like this GrabFood rider, @emmygrab2022.
As a GrabFood rider, he has a storage box to keep the customer’s food when riding. However, any possibilities can happen to the ordered food while on the motorcycle, especially the drinks. The drinks may fall, and it is such a waste if that happens. Not only that, but the customers will also be unhappy.
In a recent video uploaded on TikTok, he presents us with a video of him explaining his way of keeping drinks safe when riding. He uses cylinder-shaped containers and ties them together in the storage box. The containers are attached closely to the storage box so they would not fall.
So creative! His demonstration is detailed and beneficial to other riders. Still, some people do not get what he is trying to show. Thus, he uploaded another video:
He demonstrates how the containers can be of good use for the ordered drinks. Just place the drinks in the container, and you are good to go! Easy-peasy!
Seeing how committed he is to his job, many people compliment him, as not many people are like that:

Picture: @emmygrab2022
Sources: @emmygrab2022 (1), @emmygrab2022 (2)