For weeks, #SPM2022 has been trending on Twitter. After the listening test ended last week, many SPM candidates were frustrated with the audio. Some say Mariam is the next Eminem, as they couldn’t understand a single thing she said.
As an outsider, it’s quite entertaining to see the candidates vent their frustration with memes. But we pity them too. It brings us back to when we were in their shoes.
We could relate to this at some point. A few years ago, we took a listening test for MUET (Malaysian University English Test). We understand how frustrating it can get when the audio isn’t clear enough or the speaker speaks too fast. Hang in there, friends. At least it has ended!
However, some older candidates, or adults, have taken this controversial listening test to another level. And we admit, this might be the hardest test we’ve ever encountered.
Can you answer this test correctly?
If you’re up for the challenge, listen to the question by @akasyahizdihar. You have three options: A, B, and C. Pick the best answer.
Here it goes:
Fathul goes to the cinema.
Option A: He goes to the cinema with his girlfriend. Next, option B: He goes with his ex-girlfriend. Lastly, option C: He goes with his family.
What’s your pick?
@akasyahizdihar Sebelum post pun aku dah boleh bau2 comments theory korang #MengahHoldings #game
The answer ranges from A to C. Two of the candidates answered A, two answered C, and one answered B.
So, what’s the correct answer?
It’s A!
Netizens theorize the answers in the comment section
The discussion in the comment section is like a gathering of many scientists and researchers. Many explained their theories and reasons.
Many answered A because it’s the only option, including the keyword ‘cinema’.

Picture: TikTok @akasyahizdihar
Others said it might be A because ‘awek‘ (girlfriend) starts with A.

Picture: TikTok @akasyahizdihar
What say you? What’s your answer?
We also want to send the warmest good luck to all SPM candidates! May all ’05 batch (we feel very old knowing this) can answer the questions correctly. Break a leg, guys!
Source: TikTok @akasyahizdihar