Ustaz Wadi Annuar is no stranger to us Muslims. He often goes ‘live’ on social media for a kuliyyah, where he will give an Islamic talk. Many people like to listen to him as he is a soft-spoken person. Aside from that, every knowledge that he shares in the kuliyyah benefits people and often makes people want to change for the better.
Recently, a few days ago, while Ustaz Wadi was having his kuliyyah, he was informed that a Chinese man wanted to see him. Even though he was giving a talk, he still welcomed the man to come in. Making guests feel welcome is one of the teachings that Islam prioritizes.
What attracted the viewers’ attention was that the Chinese man was ‘looking’ at Ustaz Wadi in disbelief. Even though we could not see his face in the video, we can hear it from his voice and from his actions.
@ustazwadiannuarofficial UWA menerima kunjungan tetamu ketika kuliah.. memuliakan tetamu adalah akhlak yang mulia, bahkan sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. #ustazwadiannuar #dakwah #islam #sunnah
After greeting each other, the man shook Ustaz Wadi’s hand. Then, he began to question if what he saw at the moment was real. This part of the meeting brought tears to many.
It is known that the 52-year-old Chinese man is a revert. He came along to meet Ustaz Wadi with his wife and their two children.
@johnwickmalaysia Genbira En Taufik kerana dapat berjumpa dengan @Ustaz Wadi Annuar dengan izin Allah, Alhamdulillah #ustazwadiannuarofficial