Cats can be adorable and ferocious at the same time. Given pets are guardians of their owners: it’s not weird when they try to protect you from other people or animals. It’s in their instincts to keep you safe. However, we can’t help but laugh whenever these cats are involved in a fight with other cats!
Sometimes, it’s hard to put an end to the battle. The cats can be frightening when they’re fighting with each other. One wrong move and you might be bitten by them. They will meow but not the cute kind. It’s their way to intimidate their opponent.
Just like this akak @juny2103, she tried to stop her cat, Baby, from knocking down the white ‘intruder’ from her household. She sprayed both cats with water, but it didn’t work. The cats were still fighting!
Not only that, but Baby chased after the white cat to the rooftop!
@juny2103 kucing siapa Klau da gaduh mmng tkleh buat apa,,kite geng🥴
We don’t know what’s the root of their argument, but it looks deadly serious. If not, Baby wouldn’t chase after the cat everywhere it goes!
The cat’s name, Baby, is the reason why they fought
According to netizens, the fight might be because of the owner calling Baby by its real name. Although Baby is a fighter, that name doesn’t suit its brutal image! No wonder Baby was mad. Perhaps the white cat was downgrading its name.

Picture: TikTok @juny2103

Picture: TikTok @juny2103
“Spraying the cats will make flowers grow on their bodies”
Honestly, we don’t know how the brains of many Malaysians work. Some joke that flowers will grow on their bodies if the owner keeps spraying water on them!

Picture: TikTok @juny2103

Picture: TikTok @juny2103
But generally, netizens are entertained to see this intense brawl between two cats on the rooftop. It’s even more nerve-wracking than any wrestling match!

Picture: TikTok @juny2103
However, the most important question is, who won?
Curious? Watch the sequel.
@juny2103 Membalas kepada @chestnut_240 satgi ada yg bising camera tak fokus,,ni camera zoom ye anak2😂 susah nak fokus😂
We hope both cats have reached a mutual decision. No more fighting on the rooftop, please!
Source: TikTok @juny2103