On TikTok, sellers will usually go on ‘live’ to interact with their customers. With that, customers can ‘lock’ their desirable items from the seller. What we often see on TikTok are clothing shops, footwear shops, jewellery shops, and more. Customers can see what the sellers offer them. Then, they will keep the items from being sold to someone else after you have ‘locked’ them.
It is very convenient!
But, just that? No food being sold ‘live’ on TikTok? Of course, they are food being sold ‘live’. We discovered this nasi lemak stall, @hanaezydeals at Bukit Rangin, Kuantan, which allows its customers to ‘lock’ their desired food during ‘live.’
@hanaezydeals Hujan pun on! #nasilemaklock #nasilockmak #hanabreakfast #breakfastrm2 #fyp #kuantanpahang #pejuangsubuh
The seller, a man, sells nasi lemak near the road and usually goes on ‘live’ while working. Unexpectedly, customers begin to ‘lock’ their choices of lauk, and will take the ordered food from the seller later.
Sometimes, when we go to a stall to buy food, our desired meals are sold out. Therefore, by ‘locking’ the nasi lemak and lauk, the customers would not have to worry about that anymore.
They can pick up the ordered food at the stall, pay, and enjoy!

Picture: @hanaezydeals
It is not hard! People love easy things. Thus, that is the way to do it!
Kuantan peeps, go and buy nasi lemak from this seller!
Source: @hanaezydeals (TikTok)