Sugar is one of the ingredients that is used in cooking and is very sweet. Sometimes, without this ingredient, our cooking will be tasteless. However, there are many opinions about sugar taking as it is not very healthy to consume.
Eating too much of this sugary stuff will contribute to having too many calories. Thus, it can lead a person to gain weight. Worst, being overweight has a lot of consequences, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more.
Therefore, to be healthy, a person must limit sugar taking. But…do you know that sugar is not only known as ‘sugar.’ It has many other names that you might not know.
So, let’s get to know the other names that you may find on the food packages:
- Rock sugar
- Caramel
- Mannitol
- Dextrin
- Agave Nectar
- Dextrose
- White sugar
- Palm sugar
- Brown sugar
- Maple syrup
- White sugar
- Icing sugar
- Fructose
- Isomalt
- Xylose
- Corn syrup
- Caster
- Glucose Syrup
- Sorbitol
- Erythritol
- Sucrose
- Date syrup
- Malt syrup
- Creamer
- Gold syrup
- Sugarcane juice
- Honey

Picture: @KKMPutrajaya
Never thought that this sweet stuff have so many names! Thus, when you are buying something to eat, make sure the content of sugar in the food is low.
It is crucial for your health!
Source: @KKMPutrajaya (Twitter)