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The World’s Oldest Cat Dies At The Age of 31

A great big fluffy Maine Coon named Rubble had lived with his owner Michele Heritage since she got him as a kitten just before her 20th birthday. The pair have been inseparable since then, with Michele saying she pampered him constantly.

It’s the pampering the 52-year-old from Exter, Devon, is the reason Rubble lives such a long life. Also because she never had her own children and Rubble had all the attention and be treated by his owner like her own children.

Last year, Rubble held the title for ‘oldest feline in the world’ after reaching 32 years of age in May, beating the record of Scooter – a Siamese Texas who was named the world’s oldest living cat in 2016 and died at the age of 30.

Rubble was never officially named the world’s oldest living cat. “We never went down the route of Guinness Book of Records,” Michele said.”I didn’t want to do that given his age. The record wasn’t interest of us,”.

Rubble died before he could celebrate his 32nd birthday after becoming ill towards the end of last year.

Michele said “He grew old very quickly towards the end. I said to my husband at Christmas that I think it would be last we spend with Rubble. He had started to stop eating and only drank water”.

“He became very thin. I went to work as usual and when I got home my husband said Rubble had gone over the road as he did every day and never came back, so we believe he went off to die as cats do,” she added.

Rubble would have been 32 in May so it was such an achievement for him said, Michele. Also, he was an amazing companion that I had the pleasure to live with for such a long time.

Michele did have another cat name, Meg. meg passed away at the age of 25 which is pretty impressive and she also treated it as her child too.

Source: Unilad

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