Espresso and Americano are the most popular kinds of coffee that people drink. However, do you know that Americano is just the same as Espresso? It is a shot of Espresso, but diluted with hot water. Therefore, we call it Americano!
There are some other differences between these two types of coffees that you might not know:

Picture: Chino Product
Espresso vs Americano
1) Taste
- The taste of an Espresso is much stronger than an Americano.
- This is due to what has been explained earlier. Americano is a shot of Espresso diluted in hot water. Thus, it tastes weaker.
2) Brewing Time
- There is only a little difference in the brewing time of these coffees.
- An espresso’s brewing time is between 20-35 seconds. Meanwhile, an Americano is 20-30 seconds.
3) Grind size
- Espresso coffee is roasted and fine-grind.
- The smaller the grind, the more intense the aroma and taste will be.
- For Americano, it is also grind finely.
4) Caffeine
- The amount of caffeine is the same.
- Just because we add hot water with Americano, it does not make the caffeine diluted too.
Not to forget, people who love Espresso, may prefer stronger flavours in their coffee. It is popular with chocolate and caramel. Aside from that, they may prefer berries and other rich flavours.
Americano lovers might consider lighter-flavoured coffee. Sometimes, they prefer their coffee with citrus, chocolate, or fruits.
Are you a coffee lover? Which coffee do you prefer?
Source: The Coffee Wave