Do you still have that coloured marker pen set? Maybe not now, but I am sure many of you have the set when you are little. I was those who did not own it, but I had friends that were generous enough to let me borrow the coloured marker pens.
The pens look like whiteboard markers except that they are slightly thinner and come in various colours. There are yellow, orange, purple…you name it!

Picture: Alibaba
As a child, who would not want that? The colored pens sure would entice any child to ask their parents to buy them. Do not believe me? Go and check the school kids’ bags. The item is crucial, especially during art class.
Nevertheless, during my school years, I often saw my friends throw the pens away when the ink started to dry. The colours did not turn well anymore, and they eventually bought a new set. However, what they were doing was actually a waste. Why is that?
@fawkesandthehounds If you need me, I’ll be angry at my childhood. Shout out to @Corina | Dark+Divine for showing me the ways so my toddler could enjoy it at least. #personallyvictimized #artsets #chilhood #childhoodmemories #iwastodayyearsold #momlife #momhumour #momtok #arttok #raisingartists
In a video shared by @fawkesandthehounds, she made a shocking discovery about the dry-inked pens. You can actually reuse the dry-inked pens by putting water into the pens. All you have to do is to open the lid at the bottom of the pens and put some water in. Then, the pens can be used as usual. The colours turn out pretty like before!
Many are shocked by the discovery. For them, they have wasted so much by throwing theirs away. It’s okay, let bygones be bygones.

Picture: @fawkesandthehounds
Source: @fawkesandthehounds (TikTok)