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So This Is Why Majlis Perbandaran Cut Those Trees ‘Rendang’

Pictures: Twitter TikTok Berguna

One of the reasons we love looking outside while in the car is we get to see those green trees. There’s something so therapeutic about gazing at nature while listening to music in the car. Whether it’s day or night, greenness heals us from all stress and problems. 


Additionally, did you know? Looking at nature benefits you a lot. Some of the pros of looking at the trees are:

  • Lifts your mood
  • Stress and anger reducers
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Creates connection and gratitude 
  • Reduces loneliness

If you have been doing a lot of observations, sometimes you might notice the trees by the road are no longer tall. Eh, but you just passed this way yesterday. How did it happen? Why is the tree becomes shorter?


Picture: Bangkok Post

Some might assume Majlis Perbandaran cut those trees for other reasons. It’s about 1.5 m from the ground. That’s so short! What are they doing to the environment?

Hold your horses. Mohd Noor Helmy explains it’s not what you think it is!

Trees cut short? Here’s why

There’s a term for this process, which is hard pruning. Hard pruning is cutting the entire plant to about 3 to 6 inches from the ground. It’s to minimise stress on the plant and directs energy into the growth of new stems. 

Cutting these trees is essential for everyone’s safety. Before it grows uncontrollably, Majlis Perbandaran should discard the broken and damaged parts. Can you imagine: while driving, a branch falls on your car? Isn’t that dangerous?

Therefore, to avoid unwanted accidents, Majlis needs to cut these trees. So, don’t worry. There aren’t doing illegal activities. It’s for everyone’s safety. Today we learned!

Sources: Twitter TikTok Berguna, Mind, Fine Gardening

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