A few weeks left until payday! Thus, this is a sign for you to go for your monthly grocery shopping! Want to know where to buy cheap but worth-the-money kind of grocery? No worries, we can help you with that!
Of course, at Lotus’s! Just go to the nearest Lotus’s from your house, and you can go shopping without having to worry about your money balance!
On Twitter, @ezzahnor shares some of the best things you can try at Lotus’s:
1) Spicy Potato Wedges

Picture: @ezzahnor
- Have you been eyeing this for a while now?
- If you see this post, it is a sign for you to buy it.
- It is flavourful, but despite the name, it is actually not spicy.
2) Smoke Chicken Sausage

Picture: @ezzahnor
- You can be creative when it comes to sausages.
- Make a sandwich, or use it for your spaghetti!
3) Lasagna

Picture: @ezzahnor
- There are chicken and beef options, and both are good!
- Not just that, it is cheap for a lasagna.
4) Seasoned fries

Picture: @ezzahnor
- Who does not like fries?
- When our mouth is feeling empty, fries are the answer!
5) Hazelnut White Coffee

Picture: @ezzahnor
- Coffee lovers should try this coffee.
- It is also suitable for those who want to start drinking coffee because the taste is mild.
6) Full cream milk or fresh milk

Picture: @ezzahnor
- This Twitter user mentions that the milk is always out of stock.
- That tells you how good the milk is.
7) Chocolate milk

Picture: @ezzahnor
- This chocolate milk tastes delicious and creamy.
8) Less Sweet Teh Tarik

Picture: @ezzahnor
- Want to limit your sugar take, but still wants to try teh tarik?
- Lotus’s Sweet Teh Tarik is here to save the day!
9) Herbs

Picture: @ezzahnor
- Many Malaysian cuisines do not use much of these herbs.
- However, there must be a time when you crave western food, right?
- Buy these herbs, as they are cheaper than other brands.
10) Sauces and dressings

Picture: @ezzahnor
- Taste like expensive ones but you can buy them at a cheap price!
Want to know more? Head straight to @ezzahnor’s Twitter as she often recommends all sorts of things that are worth the price!
Source: @ezzahnor (Twitter)